MUOAA 2024

The Molecular-Level Understanding of Atmospheric Aerosols (MUOAA 2024) workshop and school will gather scientists involved in studying atmospherically relevant aerosols at a fundamental level in the laboratory, in the field and via advanced modeling techniques (from molecules to global scales).

The objective of this event is to provide a forum where recent advances, and identified needs, in relation to the molecular understanding of aerosol properties are presented and discussed. In fact, predicting climate at both short and long-time scales, health impacts of bad air quality, require this scale of understanding as atmospheric aerosols are key players that influence these processes.

Challenges exist in understanding the formation of aerosol particles from gaseous precursors and the initial growth of these particles, the internal structure of aerosols, aerosol phase behavior, heterogeneous and multiphase (photo)chemistry, gas-surface interactions, the ability of aerosols to initiate ice and cloud nucleation, the evolution of aerosol optical properties, and the role of bioaerosols in the atmosphere.

These challenges cannot only be addressed through a dedicated and multidisciplinary approach, in which common awareness and interest is created and challenged across scientific fields and generation of scientists.

This is why we are holding the MUOAA workshop and school.

Attending this event will be an enriching experience for all participants, but particularly for graduate students and post-docs involved in fundamental aerosol research. The event provides a unique opportunity to meet many of the leading, international researchers in the field – both theoreticians and experimentalists – and to gain exposure to emerging analytical techniques.

It will take place at the Institut d'Études Scientifiques - IESC on the Corsica Island (France) for 4.5 days with invited and contributed presentations, and a strong emphasis on posters and discussions.

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